Hi, I have not been a very good blogger lately...sorry X I have been getting my teeth into making things for the Think Pink Sale that is happening in Sussex later in the year. PLEASE click on the Think Pink banner for more info. On BubblyFunk there is a different challenge each week....and I am so into it!!!!
Anyway here is a pic of the stuff I have just sent up to Di:

What I do now is to make 2 of everything sdo that she can have one for her sale
And I can vouch for the fact that each and every one of these items are truly gorgeous.
Thank you so much honey xx
What a lovely selection of goodies you've made there Karen.
I've just got one more thing to finish off then i'll get mine sent.
I've not been blogging them as they have been done so might pinch your idea and photograph them as a whole.
Sue x
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