
Thursday, 19 August 2010


Hi my lovelies!  There are two special babies due in my family soon.....a new nephew (a brother for Millie) and a step-grandaughter...its so exciting!!!!!  Jeremy's 1st grandaughter comes first so I have been busy getting together a little something to welcome her!  Now I have to be careful not to step on her Grannies toes so I have kept it simple.  Don't want anymore family rows hahahaha!!!  As I am going to the Baby Shower (never been to one before)  I thought of a little gift which is always useful.........thank you cards!!!!

Tamara is one of these lovely people who always does thank you's.  There are 12 in the box, all Beatrix Potter stamps which have been watercoloured and a little GA & glitter added.  I got some ready embossed blanks and chalked them.  For her main present I made her a little bag to put baby stuff in for taking round the house...

...and shall fill it with the usual bits & pieces plus a pressie for the new Mum!  Can you see a theme going on here???  Yes...the nursery is BP themed!  I got the lovely fabric from COTTON PATCH who are worth a look if you love fabric!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to come & see my blog.  Please leave a comment if you have the time, LOVE & HUGS XXX


tracy said...

those are lovely gifts karen-how lovely that there are still people that 'do' thank you's :)

Annie said...

What special gifts Karen. I'm sure they will be thrilled with them.
A x

Paddy said...

What brilliant pressies Karen! I would never have thought of thank you cards and they are so lovely!!! The gorgeous bag is bound to be a big hit, even if it was empty!! xx

Angelnorth said...

Fab and thoughtful gifts Karen, the thank you cards are really swet and the bag looks fantastic, I'm sure it will be cherished!

Kaz said...

Ooohh these are gorgeous Karen. HOw lovely for you to be able to make such loveliness for the baby and Tamara xxx

Sue said...

what lovely 'Thank You' cards Karen and the bag will be really useful.
Sue x

Di said...

Gosh how gorgeous are these, you're very clever my lovely xx

Janice said...

Oh Karen, those are so beautiful, the bag is lovely too.

Traceyr said...

Oh Karen those thank you cards are gorgeous and the bag will be very useful and decorative too.


Gez Butterworth said...

awe, what really well thought out gifts. You are such a lovely, clever lady. :) I love the bag it will be so useful for T.. I remember my mum making a Paddington Bear themed bag for when Ben was born.. we still use it today!
Have fun. Wishing you plenty of cuddles. Love Gez.xx

Gini said...

Brilliantly thoughtful and heartfelt presents for one very lucky Mum to be!
You are just the nicest Karen and a very talented seamstress!
Those cards are just perfect for thank you cards.

Net said...

Ooh wowser them is well lush Karen! Love that bag ;))

Kathy said...

Karen, those cards are beautiful - she'll not want to send them though! Maybe you need to make another set and frame them for the new arrival's nursery....
The bag is gorgeous - as are all your wonderful baggies

melody said...

hiya chickie!
hope you're doing well!
you're cards are just darlin..i love those images...and what a scrumptious bag! beautiful work


Annie said...

I've passed on a blog award to you. Please check out my blog to pick it up.
A x

Unknown said...

Delish love them all and the bag is really super! Congratulations on the baby boy x

Love Dawn xx