
Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Has Christmas come early??? hehe will be on us before we know it.  I see that there are already Christmas decs & cards in the shops & its still only August!!!!!!  I have been delving into my Christmas box...I really must have a proper look through instead of a rummage hahaha!  Using a 5x7 canvas again...(yes I did buy a cheapy load...try The Works my lovelies) and made a hanger for the office downstairs. 

The background was painted with Eco Paint and then I stuck some Christmas music paper on top before toning it all down with gesso.  I overstamped with some pretty snowflake stamps & embossed with silver.  The wording is another wonderful piece of chippie by Tando can find the stockists ~HERE~.  One place that I know sells the whole range are BUBBLYFUNK if that helps! 

I have painted the letters with red matchpot from a DIY store....the only decent red I had hahahaha!  Then it was covered with crackle accents.  The poinsetta flowers are lovely & were a freebie from a lovely friend.

Just want to say that I had a fabulous time at Ally Pally & met up with some really lovely friends & met some blogging fab is that???  I didn't buy a lot tbh but here is a pic anyway...

I also bought a sissix die for favour boxes....going to save me so much time next year!  Oh and see that gorgeous pink spray?????  While playing on Monday I managed to spray one leg hahahahaha!!!!

Thank you for taking a looksee today, HUGS & Christmas stuff XXXXXXX


cookcreateread said...

That is lovely Karen! BUT it isn't August my lovely, it is the end of September!! lol! I have been seeing the Christmas stuff since the end of August though, so I'll let you off :)
Nice little bundle of sstamps and sprays there!

liszha said...

Supergreat christmashanger! I love the vintage feel about it.

cheryl said...

oh hunny this is one awesome creation gosh really love that letters,nice stash too he he bet your leg looked cool,so great to meet you hun,it really did make the day even,more special for me hugs cheryl xxxx

Netty said...

Karen I love your Christmas hanging, I enlarged it because am a nosey person.......and its gorgeous....
One leg only covered in spray is not
Annette x

Kaz said...

This is just gorgeous and thanks to Suzie I don't have to remind you it's Sept. ya nana!!!
Fab lot of stash too xxx

lisa said...

A gorgeous hanger Karen and such lovely new stash. I'd have loved to have seen the pink leg!!
Hugs Lisax

Angelnorth said...

Did you consider spraying the other leg to match? No? lol! Fab Christmas hanger, looks great (and I'm glad Suzie pointed out that it's nearly the end of September, you had me worried for a moment ;o)

Janice said...

I recognise that stash! Nice little hanging thingy too.

cornishmist - thats me ju x said...

great sign and whats happened to september doh! lol, nice to know I aint the only one lol....
thanks for the info have mailed you and the goodies look fab especially that pink leg lol ju x

tracy said...

love the door hanging karen :)
thats a very restrained shopping trip-i think i'd have to take a months wage if i went to ally pally LOL

Von said...

It was lovely to meet you Karen and my weren't you good lol
Hugs Von

Chris said...

ooooh totally love your Christmas canvas and those gawgus little snowflakes missus :D
Looks like you were pretty good at ally pally, love what you bought. I'm dying to get some of those dylusions too can't wait to see what you do with them:D
Chris xx

Traceyr said...

Those inks are gorgeous aren't they. I love the wall hanging and that vibrant red!

Hope we can meet up again soon. x


Gez Butterworth said...

Gorgeous canvas Karen. Love the little pom poms. :) Lovely to hear you had a FAB time at Ally Pally. Thinking of you my sweet & sending you lots of hugs, Gez.xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Hey sweetie, I know I'm late getting here, but I know I'm not two months late. It's October, but I think you were in September when you thought you were in August (grin).

I see you made it to Ally Pally. I saw some of the shots from some of my other UK friends and it was madness! So, now are you trying to alter your leg, too? Tee hee.