Don't ask me why but I felt I wanted to see if I could tackle the naked back of a woman, it could have been a conversation I had with an art student I know :-D It wasn't the drawing that was the challenge but the colouring. Anyway, I was quite pleased with the result and then it was suggested I draw the front to match!!!!! All done with the Derwent Skintone pencil set. Sorry that the 1st pic is a bit dark .
Thank you for taking a look today, HUGS xxx
Amazing Karen! I'm glad you blogged them! Your drawing is fantastic!
i knew all those sitting sessions would be worth it karen LOL
those are flippin' amazing xx
Woweeee! These are fantastic - you are so clever x
blimey hun how talented are you this is just brilliant hun,honest you have the skin tone,and the shading down to perfection,hugs cherylxxxx
Oh you clever thing you, this is fabulouse drawing and the shading is spot on my lovely xx
Great drawing a skill so deserving of being kept up. Hands not your thing? Un offended simply admiring. XOXO Zoe
Great drawing and colouring Karen, fab job! (and nothing the slightest bit offensive about them, either!)
Karen you are a talented artist as I have said before. These sketches are brilliant. I did notice that she changed the postion of her hands maybe she should of kept them where they were in the first picture. A little less revealing. haha.
Very well exicuted Karen :)Your shading is spot on well in my eyes anyway
Von xxx
I'm glad you blogged these Karen as you've done them so well. It's art hun. And good art at that! xxx
What a great drawing Karen, you are really talented.
Oh my giddy aunt but you draw beautifully Karen! BEAUTIFULLY!
Wowzer the human form is so hard to draw convincingly but it's not a problem for you is it! Well done to the very talented you :-)
you are a talented one, I know I've said that before but I'll say it again! love your gal! Mx
Wow! These drawings are so good, Karen.
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