Hee Hee! I expect those who have been following my Fruit Dictionary have been waiting to see what I came up with for 'Y' :D I actually had a choice...
Yali pears, Yellow plum, Yangmei,
Yumberry, Yamamomo , Youngberry!!! I dare you to Google them hahaha!!!! The problem I had was that most of them weren't in my dictionary!!!!! I have a few old dictionaries and found Youngberry in the end. Of course Google is a great resource too! I had never heard of a Youngberry...its a cross between and blackberry and a dewberry, named after Mr Young who developed the hybrid way back in 1900! I expect those across the pond have heard of it as its an American fruit.
Please note that there is a spin on this fortnights challenge letter....you must use yellow in your background!!! I didn't mind too much as I like bright colours :D I painted the background yellow like a good girl then used one of Andy Skinners new masks fromTando and some Fresco paint in Cheesecake to dumb it down a bit. The stamp along the top & bottom is by PaperArtsy. Can you see a teensy bit of Washi Tape???? I think I may be coming round to that stuff hahaha!!!
Thank you for popping by, take care xxxxxx
All Gold Youngberry Jam? Well it does sound yummy doesn't it!!! Is there a new dictionary page up? Am I behind before I get started?? Your background is perfect or the can of fruit and then the Youngberries growing on the vine - looks like a blackberry.
Ha ha ha ha, defo not heard of this one!! Gorgeous page sweetie, I'm loving your background (and the washi accent tee hee, we'll convert you yet!!), the red and black accents work perfectly.
Huge huggles x x x x
You're incredible at find new fruit!
Lovely and vibrant page, Karen.
I wonder if anyone have ever eat this deliciousness...:-)
Thought I'd try this one too and it is the same. I get the pop up comment box on top of seeing your blog page. Such a relief for me. BJ
Two fantastic pages - great details.
Not heard of that fruit but they look yummy from your journal pages. :)
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