
Thursday, 13 March 2014

New Tando Releases!

Its a 'Free for All' week over at the Tando Blog so a perfect opportunity to show you some more of the new releases.

This one is done using a fantastic FOOTSTEP MASK and coloured modelling paste.  The canvas is quite a large one.  I used a local map for the background and added a little walking man and some stamping.

Looking to summer ( if it arrives!) there are new ICE-CREAM MINI'S.  ere I have painted them and added some micro beads to look like sprinkles...

You get a lot in a packet...

Lastly come the new PEOPLE MINI'S.  My 1st thought when I looked at them was 'toilet'!!!!!  Not that they needed to go there but they remind me of toilet signs hahaha!!!  So that's what I made.  Di snaffled this one for her new house :-D

Lots of different uses for these little peeps I think...

These are just a few of the new releases so pop over *HERE* for a nosy at them all.  I really like the DESKTOP STORAGE so watch out for my version of that soon!

Thank you for taking a looksee today, HUGS xxx


chrissie said...

Love the footprint mask and you have used it so well

Love Chrissie x

Kaz said...

These are all brilliant Karen, I love what you've done with them xxx

Dawn said...

GORGEOUS makes my lovely. I love the new TANDO masks, particularly the footprint one hee hee. Your (or Di's lol) Loo sign is amazing, brilliant job darling.
Huge huggles x x x x

Angelnorth said...

These look great Karen, love the bootprint mask especially!

Carol Plume said...

totally gorgeous pieces - love them all! adore that loo sign lol xx

G Peplow said...

You have come up with not only great quotes but great art work too, I love the footprint mask :D Hugs Gay xx

Diane Warburton said...

Only you could look at those peeps and think 'toilet'! :-) After saying that, it's a fab sign for the 'powdering your nose' space of Di's house ;-)