
Sunday, 23 March 2014

The Craft Barn Challenge - FLOWER

Hi everyone!  Apart from my scheduled posts I have got myself behind on visiting everyone.  I am so sorry.   I am a bit poorly at the moment but hope that I will be round to see you all soon.

The Craft Barn Quote Challenge - FLOWERS
This fortnightly challenge is all about quotes and we provide you with a key word(s) to be included in your quote.  I have painted a Tando Creative daffodil to add to my 'hangy thingy' with the quote 'The Earth laughs in Flowers'

I added some bobble braid around the edge of the oval for a bit more colour and attached a ribbon to hang it by.  Its never too late to join in with this challenge!!!!!  You can build up a lovely set of quotes by looking through to see what others have used too!

Thank you for looking today xxxxx


chrissie said...

So sorry to hear you aren't well Karen--hope you soon feel a lot better.

Love this oval tag with the beautiful daffodil

Chrissie x

Cocofolies said...

Hope you feel a bit better now sweetie?... Just want to tell you that I love this decorative small oval board, especially the daffodil is fantastic!! Love the colours and the shine on it and around the edges.. Hugs Coco xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Gosh Karen, I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about visiting, just GET WELL, PLEASE.

I saw this beauty when I went to CB to get this fortnight's challenge words. I was so glad to see all the details, and was impressed by your daffodil, which simple screams "spring."

Once again, no link, but now I know it's not me (grin).

Dawn said...

Huge huggles sweetie. I love your 'hangy thingy', that daff is superb, fits beautifully with the fab quote.
Luvs ya x x x x

Sandy said...

Very pretty Karen!
sandy xx

BJ said...

Adore your daff Karen - I really ought to have added links to my FLOWER post which I have corrected now -
1) the the Craft Barn challenge page link and
2) to my GOTH page - had to hunt for it myself, the page was done back in April 2012 mainly for my craft group who'd heard me talk of being a GOTH but wanted evidence. The hair was cool don't you think, perhaps I ought to think about crimping it again! BJ